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[Contrib] [RFC Index] [RFC 1500 - 1599]    RFC 1596: Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service
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RFC 1596:
Definitions of Managed Objects for Frame Relay Service


Network Working Group                                   T. Brown, Editor
Request for Comments: 1596                  Bell Communications Research
Category: Standards Track                                     March 1994

                     Definitions of Managed Objects
                        for Frame Relay Service

Status of this Memo

   This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the
   Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for
   improvements.  Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet
   Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state
   and status of this protocol.  Distribution of this memo is unlimited.


   This memo defines an extension to the Management Information Base
   (MIB) for use with network management protocols in TCP/IP-based
   internets.  In particular, it defines objects for managing the Frame
   Relay Service.

Table of Contents

   1. The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework ...............    2
   2. Object Definitions ....................................    2
   3. Overview ..............................................    2
   3.1 Scope of MIB .........................................    3
   3.2 Frame Relay Service MIB Terminology ..................    5
   3.3 Apply MIB II to a Frame Relay Service ................    7
   4. Object Definitions ....................................   12
   4.1 The Frame Relay Service Logical Port Group ...........   12
   4.2 The Frame Relay Management VC Signaling Group ........   15
   4.3 The PVC End-Point Group ..............................   22
   4.4 Frame Relay PVC Connection Group .....................   30
   4.5 Frame Relay Accounting Groups ........................   37
   5. Frame Relay Network Service TRAPS .....................   40
   6. Conformance Information ...............................   43
   7. Acknowledgments .......................................   45
   8. References ............................................   45
   9. Security Considerations ...............................   46
   10. Author's Address .....................................   46

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

1.  The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework

   The SNMPv2 Network Management Framework consists of four major
   components.  They are:

      o    RFC 1442 which defines the SMI, the mechanisms used for
           describing and naming objects for the purpose of

      o    STD 17, RFC 1213 defines MIB-II, the core set of managed
           objects for the Internet suite of protocols.

      o    RFC 1445 which defines the administrative and other
           architectural aspects of the framework.

      o    RFC 1448 which defines the protocol used for network
           access to managed objects.

   The Framework permits new objects to be defined for the purpose of
   experimentation and evaluation.

2.  Object Definitions

   Managed objects are accessed via a virtual information store, termed
   the Management Information Base or MIB.  Objects in the MIB are
   defined using the subset of Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
   defined in the SMI.  In particular, each object object type is named
   by an OBJECT IDENTIFIER, an administratively assigned name.  The
   object type together with an object instance serves to uniquely
   identify a specific instantiation of the object.  For human
   convenience, we often use a textual string, termed the descriptor, to
   refer to the object type.

3.  Overview

   These objects are used when the particular media being used to manage
   is Frame Relay Service.  At present, this applies to these values of
   the ifType variable in the Internet-standard MIB:

          frameRelayService (44)

   This section provides an overview and background of how to use this
   MIB and other potential MIBs when managing a Frame Relay Service.

   Figure 1 shows the MIB stack that could be followed for managing a
   Frame Relay Service.  This is only an example and not meant to be

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                           [Page 2]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

                |              |              |       |            |
                |              |              | SIP   |  RFC1490   |
                |              | X.25 MIB     | Relay | (no applic.|
                |              | for IW/Encap.| MIB   |  MIB)      |
                |              |              |       |            |
                |    MIB II    |-----------------------------------|
                |              |                                   |
                |   ifTable    |      Frame Relay Service MIB      |
                |  ifXTable    |                                   |
                | ifStackTable |___________________________________|
                |              |                         |         |
                |              | Physical Layer MIBs     | ATM MIB |
                |              |  e.g., DS1/E1 MIB,      |---------|
                |              |  RS232-like MIB         | Phy.    |
                |              |                         | Layer   |
                |              |                         |  MIB    |

                     Figure 1. Frame Relay MIB Architecture

3.1.  Scope of MIB

   The Frame Relay Service MIB will only manage the Frame Relay portion
   of the network.  This MIB is based upon the Customer Network
   Management concepts presented in the document "Service Management
   Architecture for Virtual Connection Services" [6].

   This MIB will NOT be implemented on User Equipment (e.g., DTE), and
   the Frame Relay DTE MIB (RFC 1315) should be used to manage those
   devices [8].

   Frame Relay Service MIB is intended to be used for Customer Network
   Management (CNM) of a Frame Relay Network Service.  It provides
   information that allows end-customers to obtain performance
   monitoring, fault detection, and configuration information about
   their Frame Relay Service.  It is an implementation decision as to
   whether this MIB is used to create/delete/modify PVCs and to turn
   PVCs on or off.

   By using this and other related MIBs, a customer's NMS can monitor
   their PVCs and UNI/NNI logical ports.  Internal aspects of the
   network (e.g., switching elements, line cards, and network routing
   tables) are outside the scope of this MIB.  The Customer's NMS will
   typically access the SNMP proxy-agent within the Frame Relay network
   using SNMP over UDP over IP with IP encapsulated in Frame Relay
   according to RFC1490/ANSI T1.617 Annex F [7,9].  The customer, thus,

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                           [Page 3]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

   has a PVC to the SNMP proxy-agent.  Alternate access mechanisms and
   SNMP agent implementations are possible.  The service capabilities
   include retrieving information and receiving TRAPs.  It is beyond the
   scope of this MIB to define managed objects to monitor the physical
   layer.  Existing physical layer MIBs (e.g., DS1 MIB) and MIB II will
   be used as possible.  The Frame Relay Service SNMP MIB for CNM will
   not contain any managed objects to monitor the physical layer.  This
   MIB primarily addresses Frame Relay PVCs.  This MIB may be extended
   at a later time to handle Frame Relay SVCs.

   This MIB is only used to manage a single Frame Relay Service offering
   from one network.  This MIB will typically be implemented on a
   service provider's SNMP proxy-agent. The SNMP proxy-agent proxies for
   all Frame Relay equipment within one service provider's Frame Relay
   network.  (Other SNMP agent implementations are not precluded.)
   Therefore, this MIB models a PVC segment through one Frame Relay
   Network.  See Figure 2.  If the customer's PVCs traverse multiple
   networks, then the customer needs to poll multiple network proxy-
   agents within each Frame Relay Network to retrieve their end-to-end
   view of their service.  See Figure 2 and the Service Management
   Architecture [6].

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                           [Page 4]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

                | Customer Network Management Station |
                |            (SNMP based)             |
                    ^              ^               ^
                    |              |               |
                    |              |               |
           UNI      |      NNI     |       NNI     |       UNI
            |       ^       |      ^        |      ^
            | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ |
            | |           | | |           | | |           | |
Originating | |   FR      | | |   FR      | | |   FR      | |Terminating
 +--------+ | | Network I | | | Network J | | | Network K | | +--------+
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |        |---|           |---|           |---|           |---| User B |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 |     ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////    |
 |        | | |           | | |           | | |           | | |        |
 +--------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +-----------+ | +--------+
            |               |               |               |
            |               |               |               |
            | PVC Segment 1 | PVC Segment 2 | PVC Segment 3 |
            |                                               |
            |              Multi-network PVC                |
            |  NNI = Network-to Network Interface           |
               UNI = User-to-Network Interface

                       Figure 2. Multi-network PVC

   Also, since the Frame Relay network is a shared network amongst many
   Frame Relay subscribers, each subscriber will only have access to
   their information (e.g., information with respect to their interfaces
   and PVCs).  Therefore, in order to provide this capability, the Frame
   Relay PVC CNM proxy agent should be able to support instance level
   granularity for MIB views.  See the Service Management Architecture.

3.2.  Frame Relay Service MIB Terminology

   Access Channel - An access channel generically refers to the DS1/E1
   or DS3/E3-based UNI access channel or NNI access channel across which
   frame relay data transits. An access channel is the access pathway
   for a single stream of user data.

   Within a given T1 line, an access channel can denote any one of the

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

      o    Unchannelized T1 - the entire T1 line is considered an access
           channel. Each access channel is comprised of 24 T1 time

      o    Channelized T1 - an access channel is any one of 24 channels.
           Each access channel is comprised of a single T1 time slot.

      o    Fractional T1 - an access channel is a grouping of N T1 time
           slots (NX56/64 Kbps, where N = 1-23 T1 Time slots per FT1
           Access Channel) that may be assigned in consecutive or
           non-consecutive order.

   Within a given E1 line, a channel can denote any one of the

      o    Unchannelized E1 - the entire E1 line is considered a single
           access channel.  Each access channel is comprised of 31 E1
           time slots.

      o    Channelized E1 - an access channel is any one of 31 channels.
           Each access channel is comprised of a single E1 time slot.

      o    Fractional E1 - an access channel is a grouping of N E1 time
           slots (NX64 Kbps, where N = 1-30 E1 time slots per FE1 access
           channel) that may be assigned in consecutive or
           non-consecutive order.

      in 3 Within a given unformatted line, the entire unformatted line
      is considered an access channel. Examples include RS-232, V.35,
      V.36 and X.21 (non- switched).

      Access Rate - The data rate of the access channel, expressed in
      bits/second.  The speed of the user access channel determines how
      rapidly the end user can inject data into the network.

      Bc - The Committed Burst Size (Bc) is the maximum amount of
      subscriber data (expressed in bits) that the network agrees to
      transfer, under normal conditions, during a time interval Tc.

      Be - The Excess Burst Size (Be) is the maximum amount of
      subscriber data (expressed in bits) in excess of Bc that the
      network will attempt to deliver during the time interval Tc.  This
      data (Be) is delivered in general with a lower probability than

      CIR - The Committed Information Rate (CIR) is the subscriber data
      rate (expressed in bits/second) that the network commits to
      deliver under normal network conditions.  CIR is averaged over the

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      time interval Tc (CIR = Bc/Tc).

      DLCI - Data Link Connection Identifier

      Logical Port - This term is used to model the Frame Relay
      "interface" on a device.

      NNI - Network to Network Interface

      Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) - A virtual connection that has
      its end-points and bearer capabilities defined at subscription

      Time slot (E1) - An octet within the 256-bit information field in
      each E1 frame is defined as a time slot. Time slots are position
      sensitive within the 256-bit information field.  Fractional E1
      service is provided in contiguous or non- contiguous time slot

      Time slot (T1) - An octet within the 192-bit information field in
      each T1 frame is defined as a time slot. Time slots are position
      sensitive within the 192-bit information field.  Fractional T1
      service is provided in contiguous or non- contiguous time slot

      UNI - User to Network Interface

      N391 - Full status (status of all PVCs) polling counter

      N392 - Error threshold

      N393 - Monitored events count

      T391 - Link integrity verification polling timer

      T392 - Polling verification timer

      nT3 - Status enquiry timer

      nN3 - Maximum status enquiry counter

3.3.  Apply MIB II to a Frame Relay Service

      Use the System Group to apply to the SNMP proxy-agent, since the
      proxy-agent may be monitoring many Frame Relay devices in one
      network.  System Group applies to only one system.  This group is
      not instantiated.

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                           [Page 7]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

          sysDescr:  ASCII string describing the SNMP proxy-agent.
                     Can be up to 255 characters long. This field is
                     generally used to indicate the network providers
                     identification and type of service offered.

          sysObjectID:  Unique OBJECT IDENTIFIER (OID) for the SNMP

          sysUpTime:  Clock in the SNMP proxy-agent; TimeTicks
                      in 1/100s of a second.  Elapsed type since
                      the proxy-agent came on line.

          sysContact:  Contact for the SNMP proxy-agent.
                       ASCII string of up to 255 characters.

          sysName:  Domain name of the SNMP proxy-agent, for example,

          sysLocation:  Location of the SNMP proxy-agent.
                        ASCII string of up to 255 characters.

          sysServices:  Services of the managed device.  The value "2",
                        which implies that
                        the Frame Relay network is providing
                        a subnetwork level service, is recommended.

   This specifies how the Interfaces Group defined in MIB II shall be
   used for the management of Frame Relay based interfaces, and in
   conjunction with the Frame Relay Service MIB module. This memo
   assumes the interpretation of the evolution of the Interfaces group
   to be in accordance with: "The interfaces table (ifTable) contains
   information on the managed resource's interfaces.  Each sub-layer
   below the internetwork layer of a network interface is considered an
   interface." Thus, the ifTable allows the following Frame Relay-based
   interfaces to be represented as table entries:

          - Frame Relay interfaces in the Frame Relay equipment (e.g.,
            switches, routers or networks) with Frame Relay interfaces.
            This level is concerned with generic frame counts and
            not with individual virtual connections.

   In accordance with the guidelines of ifTable, frame counts per
   virtual connection are not covered by ifTable, and are considered
   interface specific and covered in the Frame Relay Service MIB module.
   In order to interrelate the ifEntries properly, the Interfaces Stack
   Group shall be supported.

   Some specific interpretations of ifTable for Frame Relay follow.

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

           Object   Use for the generic Frame Relay layer
           ======   =========================================
           ifIndex          Each Frame Relay port is represented
                            by an ifEntry.

           ifDescr          Description of the Frame Relay interface.
                            ASCII string describing the UNI/NNI
                            logical port.  Can be up to
                            255 characters long.

           ifType           The value allocated for Frame Relay
                            Service is equal to 44.

           ifMtu            Set to maximum frame size in octets for
                            this frame relay logical port.

           ifSpeed          Peak bandwidth in bits per second
                            available for use.  This could be the
                            speed of the logical port and not
                            the access rate. Actual user information
                            transfer rate (i.e., access rate) of the
                            UNI or NNI logical port in bits per second
                            (this is not the clocking speed).  For
                            example, it is 1,536,000 bits per
                            second for a DS1-based UNI/NNI logical
                            port and 1,984,000 bits per second for an
                            E1-based UNI/NNI logical port.

           ifPhysAddress    The primary address for this logical port
                            assigned by the Frame Relay interface
                            provider.  An octet string of zero length
                            if no address is used for this logical

           ifAdminStatus     The desired administrative status of the
                             frame relay logical port.

           ifOperStatus      The current operational status of the
                             Frame Relay UNI or NNI logical port.

           ifLastChange      The elapsed time since the last
                             re-initialization of the logical port.
                             The value of sysUpTime at the time the
                             logical port entered its current
                             operational state.  If the current
                             state was entered prior to the last
                             re-initialization of the local
                             network management subsystem, then

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

                             this object contains a zero value.

           ifInOctets        The number of received octets.
                             This counter only counts octets from the
                             beginning of the frame relay header field
                             to the end of user data.

           ifInUcastPkts     The number of received unerrored,
                             unicast frames.

           ifInDiscards      The number of received frames discarded.
                             Possible reasons are as follows:
                             policing, congestion.

           ifInErrors        The number of received frames that are
                             discarded, because of an error.
                             Possible errors can be the following: the
                             frame relay frames were too long or were
                             too short, the frames had an invalid or
                             unrecognized DLCI values, or incorrect
                             header values.

           ifInUnknownProtos  The number of packets discarded because
                              of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
                              For Frame Relay Service interfaces, this
                              counter will always be zero.

           ifOutOctets       The number of transmitted octets.
                             This counter only counts octets from the
                             beginning of the frame relay header field
                             to the end of user data.

           ifOutUcastpkts    The number of frames sent.

           ifOutDiscards     The number of frames discarded in the
                             egress direction. Possible
                             reasons are as follows:  policing,

           ifOutErrors       The number of frames discarded in the
                             egress direction, because of errors.
                             Possible reason is transmit underruns.

           ifName            This variable is not applicable for
                             Frame Relay Service interfaces,
                             therefore, this variable contains a
                             zero-length string.

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

           ifInMulticastPkts  The number of received unerrored,
                              multicast frames.

           ifInBroadcastPkts  This variable is not applicable for
                              Frame Relay Service interfaces,
                              therefore, this counter is always zero.

           ifOutMulticastPkts  The number of sent unerrored,
                               multicast frames.

           ifOutBroadcastPkts  This variable is not applicable for
                               Frame Relay Service interfaces,
                               therefore, this counter is always zero.

           ifHCInOctets      Only used for DS3-based (and greater)
                             Frame Relay logical ports.
                             The number of received octets.
                             This counter only counts octets from the
                             beginning of the frame relay header field
                             to the end of user data.

           ifHCOutOctets     Only used for DS3-based (and greater)
                             Frame Relay logical ports.
                             The number of transmitted octets.
                             This counter only counts octets from the
                             beginning of the frame relay header field
                             to the end of user data.

           ifLinkUpDownTrapEnble  The value of this object is
                                  implementation specific for Frame
                                  Relay logical ports.

           ifHighSpeed         Set to the user data rate of the frame
                               relay logical port in millions of
                               bits per second.  If the user data rate
                               is less than 1 Mbps, then this value is

           ifPromiscuousMode   Set to false(2).

           ifConnectorPresent  Set to false(2).

   Frame Relay Network Service interfaces support the Interface Stack
   Group.  Frame Relay Network Service interfaces do not support any
   other groups or objects in the Interfaces group of MIB II.  Also,
   supporting the SNMP Group of MIB II is an implementation choice.

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 11]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

4.  Object Definitions


    Counter32, Integer32,
    TimeTicks                                FROM SNMPv2-SMI
    DisplayString, PhysAddress,
    TimeStamp, RowStatus                     FROM SNMPv2-TC
    ifIndex, transmission                    FROM RFC-1213;

      LAST-UPDATED "9311161200Z"
      ORGANIZATION "IETF Frame Relay Network MIB Working Group"
            "   Tracy A. Brown
                331 Newman Springs Rd.
                Red Bank, NJ 07701 USA

                Tel: 1-908-758-2107
                Fax: 1-908-758-4177
                E-mail: tacox@mail.bellcore.com."
               "The MIB module to describe generic objects for
               Frame Relay Network Service."
      ::= { transmission 44 }

            STATUS  current
               "The value of this object identifies the
               interface for which this entry contains
               management information.  The value of this
               object for a particular interface has the same
               value as the ifIndex object, defined in RFC
               1213, for the same interface."
            SYNTAX Integer32

      frnetservObjects  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservMIB 1 }
      frnetservTraps    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservMIB 2 }

 -- The Frame Relay Service Logical Port Group

 --  the Frame Relay Logical Port Group

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

 --  This table is an interface specific addendum
 --  to the generic ifTable from MIB-II.

frLportTable OBJECT-TYPE
 MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 STATUS  current
         "The Frame Relay Logical Port Information table."
 ::= { frnetservObjects 1 }

frLportEntry OBJECT-TYPE
 SYNTAX  FrLportEntry
 MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
 STATUS  current
          "An entry in the Frame Relay Logical Port
          Information table."
 INDEX   { ifIndex }
 ::= { frLportTable 1 }

FrLportEntry ::=

 frLportNumPlan OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the network
             address numbering plan for this UNI/NNI logical
             port. The network address is the object
             ifPhysAddress. The value none implies that there
             is no ifPhysAddress.  The SNMP proxy-agent will
             return an octet string of zero length for
             ifPhysAddress. The value other means that an
             address has been assigned to this interface, but
             the numbering plan is not enumerated here."
     ::= { frLportEntry 1 }

 frLportContact OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the network
             contact for this UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frLportEntry 2 }

 frLportLocation OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  DisplayString (SIZE(0..255))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Frame
             Relay network location for this UNI/NNI logical
     ::= { frLportEntry 3 }

 frLportType OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the type of
             network interface for this logical port."
     ::= { frLportEntry 4 }


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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Q.922
             Address field length and DLCI length for this
             UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frLportEntry 5 }

 frLportVCSigProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Local
             In-Channel Signaling Protocol that is used for
             this frame relay UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frLportEntry 6 }

 frLportVCSigPointer OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is used as a pointer to
             the table that contains the Local In-Channel
             Signaling Protocol parameters and errors for this
             UNI/NNI logical port.  See the Frame Relay
             Management VC Signaling Parameters and Errors
     ::= { frLportEntry 7 }

 -- the Frame Relay Management VC Signaling Group

 -- This Group contains managed objects for the
 -- Local In-Channel Signaling Parameters and
 -- for signaling errors.

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The Frame Relay Management VC Signaling
             Parameters and Errors table."
     ::= { frnetservObjects 2 }

     SYNTAX  FrMgtVCSigEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "An entry in the Frame Relay Management VC
             Signaling Parameters Errors table."
     INDEX   { ifIndex }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigTable 1 }

 FrMgtVCSigEntry ::=

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994


     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Local
             In-Channel Signaling Procedure that is used for
             this UNI/NNI logical port.  The UNI/NNI logical
             port can be performing only user-to-network
             network-side procedures or bidirectional
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 1 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..255)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the User-side
             N391 full status polling cycle value for this
             UNI/NNI logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing user-side procedures, then this value
             is equal to noSuchName. This object applies to
             Q.933 Annex A and T1.617 Annex D."
     DEFVAL { 6 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..10)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the User-side
             N392 error threshold value for this UNI/NNI
             logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing user-side procedures, then this value
             is equal to noSuchName. This object applies to

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             Q.933 Annex A and T1.617 Annex D."
     DEFVAL { 3 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..10)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the User-side
             N393 monitored events count value for this UNI/NNI
             logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing user-side procedures, then this value
             is equal to noSuchName. This object applies to
             Q.933 Annex A and T1.617 Annex D."
     DEFVAL { 4 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..30)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the User-side
             T391 link integrity verification polling timer
             value for this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the
             logical port is not performing user-side
             procedures, then this value is equal to
             noSuchName. This object applies to Q.933 Annex A
             and T1.617 Annex D."
     DEFVAL { 10 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 5 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..10)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Network-
             side N392 error threshold value (nN2 for LMI) for
             this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the logical port is
             not performing network-side procedures, then this
             value is equal to noSuchName. This object applies
             to Q.933 Annex A, T1.617 Annex D and LMI."
     DEFVAL { 3 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 6 }


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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (1..10)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Network-
             side N393 monitored events count value (nN3 for
             LMI) for this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the
             logical port is not performing network-side
             procedures, then this value is equal to
             noSuchName. This object applies to Q.933 Annex A,
             T1.617 Annex D and LMI."
     DEFVAL { 4 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 7 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..30)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Network-
             side T392 polling verification timer value (nT2
             for LMI)  for this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the
             logical port is not performing network-side
             procedures, then this value is equal to
             noSuchName. This object applies to Q.933 Annex A,
             T1.617 Annex D and LMI."
     DEFVAL { 15 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 8 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (5..5)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the Network-
             side nN4 maximum status enquires received value
             for this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the logical
             port is not performing network-side procedures or
             is not performing LMI procedures, then this value
             is equal to noSuchName. This object applies only
             to LMI and always has a value of 5."
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 9 }

     SYNTAX  INTEGER (5 | 10 | 15 | 20 | 25 | 30)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             "The value of this object identifies the Network-
             side nT3 timer (for nN4 status enquires received)
             value for this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the
             logical port is not performing network-side
             procedures or is not performing LMI procedures,
             then this value is equal to noSuchName. This
             object applies only to LMI."
     DEFVAL { 20 }
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 10 }

 frMgtVCSigUserLinkRelErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of user-side local in-channel
             signaling link reliability errors (i.e., non-
             receipt of Status/Status Enquiry messages or
             invalid sequence numbers in a Link Integrity
             Verification Information Element) for this UNI/NNI
             logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing user-side procedures, then this value
             is equal to noSuchName."
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 11 }

 frMgtVCSigUserProtErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of user-side local in-channel
             signaling protocol errors (i.e., protocol
             discriminator, message type, call reference, and
             mandatory information element errors) for this
             UNI/NNI logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing user-side procedures, then this value
             is equal to noSuchName."
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 12 }

 frMgtVCSigUserChanInactive OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of times the user-side channel was
             declared inactive (i.e., N392 errors in N393
             events) for this UNI/NNI logical port. If the
             logical port is not performing user-side

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             procedures, then this value is equal to
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 13 }

 frMgtVCSigNetLinkRelErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of network-side local in-channel
             signaling link reliability errors (i.e., non-
             receipt of Status/Status Enquiry messages or
             invalid sequence numbers in a Link Integrity
             Verification Information Element) for this UNI/NNI
             logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing network-side procedures, then this
             value is equal to noSuchName."
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 14 }

 frMgtVCSigNetProtErrors OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of network-side local in-channel
             signaling protocol errors (i.e., protocol
             discriminator, message type, call reference, and
             mandatory information element errors) for this
             UNI/NNI logical port.  If the logical port is not
             performing network-side procedures, then this
             value is equal to noSuchName."
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 15 }

 frMgtVCSigNetChanInactive OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of times the network-side channel was
             declared inactive (i.e., N392 errors in N393
             events) for this UNI/NNI logical port.  If the
             logical port is not performing network-side
             procedures, then this value is equal to
     ::= { frMgtVCSigEntry 16 }

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

 -- The PVC End-Point Group

 -- This table is used to identify the traffic parameters
 -- for a bi-directional PVC segment end-point, and it also
 -- provides statistics for a PVC segment
 -- end-point.

 -- A PVC segment end-point is identified by a UNI/NNI
 -- logical port index value and DLCI index value.

 -- If the Frame Relay service provider allows
 -- the Frame Relay CNM subscriber to create, modify
 -- or delete PVCs using SNMP, then this table is used to identify
 -- and reserve
 -- the requested traffic parameters of each
 -- PVC segment end-point.  The Connection table
 -- is used to "connect" the end-points together.
 -- Not all implementations will support the
 -- capability of creating/modifying/deleting
 -- PVCs using SNMP as a feature of Frame Relay
 -- CNM service.

 -- Uni-directional PVCs are modeled with zero
 -- valued traffic parameters in one of the
 -- directions (In or Out direction) in this table.

 -- To create a PVC, the following procedures
 -- shall be followed:
 -- 1). Create the entries for the PVC segment endpoints in the
 --     frPVCEndptTable by specifying the traffic parameters
 --     for the bi-directional PVC segment endpoints.
 --     As shown in the figure, a point-to-point PVC has
 --     two endpoints, thus two entries in this table.
 --     Uni-directional PVCs are modeled
 --     with zero valued traffic parameters in one
 --     direction; all the `In' direction parameters
 --     for one Frame Relay PVC End-point or
 --     all the `Out' direction
 --     parameters for the other Frame Relay PVC
 --     End-point.

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 --     In    ____________________________________ Out
 --    >>>>>>|                                   |>>>>>>>>
 --    ______| Frame Relay Network               |__________
 --     Out  |                                   |  In
 --    <<<<<<|                                   |<<<<<<<<
 --          |___________________________________|
 --  Frame Relay PVC                            Frame Relay
 --   End-point                                 PVC  End-point

 -- 2). Go to the Frame Relay Connection Group.

 -- The Frame Relay PVC End-point Table

     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The Frame Relay PVC End-Point table.  This table
             is used to model a PVC end-point.  This table
             contains the traffic parameters and statistics for
             a PVC end-point."
     ::= { frnetservObjects 3 }

     SYNTAX  FrPVCEndptEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "An entry in the Frame Relay PVC Endpoint table."
     INDEX   { ifIndex, frPVCEndptDLCIIndex }
     ::= { frPVCEndptTable 1 }

 FrPVCEndptEntry ::=

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     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the DLCI
             value for this PVC end-point."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 1 }

 frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is the size in octets of
             the largest frame relay information field for this
             PVC end-point in the ingress direction (into the

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             frame relay network).  The value of
             frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize must be less than or
             equal to the corresponding ifMtu for this Frame
             Relay UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the
             committed burst size (Bc) parameter (measured in
             bits) for this PVC end-point in the ingress
             direction (into the frame relay network)."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 3 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the excess
             burst size (Be) parameter (measured in bits) for
             this PVC end-point in the ingress direction (into
             the frame relay network)."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the
             committed information rate (CIR) parameter
             (measured in bits per second) for this PVC end-
             point in the ingress direction (into the frame
             relay network)."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 5 }

 frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is the size in octets of
             the largest frame relay information field for this
             PVC end-point in the egress direction (out of the

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             frame relay network).  The value of
             frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize must be less than or
             equal to the corresponding ifMtu for this Frame
             Relay UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 6 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the
             committed burst size (Bc) parameter (measured in
             bits) for this PVC end-point in the egress
             direction (out of the frame relay network)."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 7 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the excess
             burst size (Be) parameter (measured in bits) for
             this PVC end-point in the egress direction (out of
             the frame relay network)."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 8 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the
             committed information rate (CIR) parameter
             (measured in bits per second) for this PVC end-
             point in the egress direction (out of the frame
             relay network)."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 9 }

 frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "This object is used to associate PVC end-points
             as being part of one PVC segment connection.  This
             value of this object is equal to the value of

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             frPVCConnectIndex, which is used as one of the
             indices into the frPVCConnectTable.  The value of
             this object is provided by the agent, after the
             associated entries in the frPVCConnectTable have
             been created."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 10 }

 frPVCEndptRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "This object is used to create new rows in this
             table, modify existing rows, and to delete
             existing rows.  To create a new PVC, the entries
             for the PVC segment end-points in the
             frPVCEndptTable must first be created.  Next, the
             frPVCConnectTable is used to associate the Frame
             Relay PVC segment end-points.  In order for the
             manager to have the necessary error diagnostics,
             the frPVCEndptRowStatus object must initially be
             set to `createAndWait'.  While the
             frPVCEndptRowStatus object is in the
             `createAndWait' state, the manager can set each
             columnar object and get the necessary error
             diagnostics.  The frPVCEndptRowStatus object may
             not be set to `active' unless the following
             columnar objects exist in this row:
             frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize, frPVCEndptInBc,
             frPVCEndptInBe, frPVCEndptInCIR,
             frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize, frPVCEndptOutBc,
             frPVCEndptOutBe, and frPVCEndptOutCIR."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 11 }

 frPVCEndptRcvdSigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the PVC
             status received via the local in-channel signaling
             procedures for this PVC end-point.  This object is
             only pertinent for interfaces that perform the

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             bidirectional procedures.  For user-to-network
             network side procedures, the value of this object
             should be none."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 12 }

     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of frames received by the network
             (ingress) for this PVC end-point. This includes
             any frames discarded by the network due to
             submitting more than Bc + Be data or due to any
             network congestion recovery procedures."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 13 }

 frPVCEndptOutFrames OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of frames sent by the network (egress)
             regardless of whether they are Bc or Be frames for
             this PVC end-point."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 14 }

     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of frames received by the network
             (ingress) with the DE bit set to (1) for this PVC
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 15 }

 frPVCEndptInExcessFrames OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of frames received by the network
             (ingress) for this PVC end-point which were
             treated as excess traffic.  Frames which are sent
             to the network with DE set to zero are treated as
             excess when more than Bc bits are submitted to the
             network during the Committed Information Rate

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             Measurement Interval (Tc).  Excess traffic may or
             may not be discarded at the ingress if more than
             Bc + Be bits are submitted to the network during
             Tc.  Traffic discarded at the ingress is not
             recorded in frPVCEndptInExcessFrames.  Frames
             which are sent to the network with DE set to one
             are also treated as excess traffic."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 16 }

 frPVCEndptOutExcessFrames OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of frames sent by the network (egress)
             for this PVC end-point which were treated as
             excess traffic.  (The DE bit may be set to one.)"
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 17 }

 frPVCEndptInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of frames received by the the network
             (ingress) that were discarded due to traffic
             enforcement for this PVC end-point."
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 18 }

     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The number of octets received by the network
             (ingress) for this PVC end-point.  This counter
             should only count octets from the beginning of the
             frame relay header field to the end of user data.
             If the network supporting Frame Relay can not
             count octets, then this count should be an
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 19 }

 frPVCEndptOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             "The number of octets sent by the network (egress)
             for this PVC end-point.  This counter should only
             count octets from the beginning of the frame relay
             header field to the end of user data.  If the
             network supporting Frame Relay can not count
             octets, then this count should be an
     ::= { frPVCEndptEntry 20 }

 -- The Frame Relay PVC Connection Group

 -- The Frame Relay PVC Connection Group
 -- is used to model the bi-directional
 -- PVC segment flows;
 -- point-to-point PVCs, point-to-multipoint
 -- PVCs, and multipoint-to-multipoint
 -- PVCs.

 -- This table has read-create access and
 -- is used to associate PVC end-points
 -- together as belonging to one connection.
 -- The frPVCConnectIndex is used to associate
 -- all the bi-directional flows.
 -- Not all implementations will support the
 -- capability of creating/modifying/deleting
 -- PVCs using SNMP as a feature of Frame Relay
 -- CNM service.

 -- Once the entries in the frPVCEndptTable
 -- are created, the following step are used
 -- to associate the PVC end-points as belonging
 -- to one PVC connection:
 -- 1). Obtain a unique frPVCConnectIndex
 --     using the frPVCConnectIndexValue object.
 -- 2). Connect the PVC segment endpoints together
 --     with the applicable frPVCConnectIndex value
 --     obtained via
 --     frPVCConnectIndexValue.
 --     The entries in this table are created by using
 --     the frPVCConnectRowStatus object.
 -- 3). The agent will provide the value of the
 --     corresponding instances of
 --     frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier with the
 --     the frPVCConnectIndex value.
 -- 4). Set frPVCConnectAdminStatus to `active' in all
 --     rows for this PVC segment to
 --     turn the PVC on.

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 -- For example, the Frame Relay PVC Connection Group
 -- models a bi-directional, point-to-point PVC segment
 -- as one entry in this table.

 -- Frame Relay Network                  Frame Relay Network
 --  Low Port ____________________________________ High Port
 --          |                                   |
 --    ______| >> from low to high PVC flow   >> |____________
 --          | << from high to low PVC flow   << |
 --          |___________________________________|

 -- The terms low and high are chosen to represent numerical
 -- ordering of a PVC segment's endpoints for representation
 -- in this table.  That is, the endpoint with the lower value
 -- of ifIndex is termed 'low', while the opposite endpoint
 -- of the segment is termed 'high'.
 -- This terminology is to provide directional information;
 -- for example the frPVCConnectL2hOperStatus and
 -- frPVCConnectH2lOperStatus as illustrated above.

 -- If the Frame Relay Connection table is used to model
 -- a unidirectional PVC, then one direction (either from low to high
 -- or from high to low) has its Operational Status equal to down.

 -- A PVC segment is a portion of a PVC
 -- that traverses one Frame Relay Network, and
 -- a PVC segment is identified
 -- by its two end-points (UNI/NNI logical port index
 -- value and DLCI index value)
 -- through one Frame Relay Network.

 frPVCConnectIndexValue OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  INTEGER (0..2147483647)
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "This object contains an appropriate value to be
             used for frPVCConnectIndex when creating entries
             in the frPVCConnectTable.  The value 0 indicates
             that no unassigned entries are available.  To
             obtain the frPVCConnectIndex value for a new
             entry, the manager issues a management protocol
             retrieval operation to obtain the current value of
             this object.  After each retrieval, the agent
             should modify the value to the next unassigned

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     ::= { frnetservObjects 4 }

 --  The Frame Relay PVC Connection Table

 frPVCConnectTable OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The Frame Relay PVC Connect table.  A bi-
             directional PVC segment is modeled as one entry in
             this table."
     ::= { frnetservObjects 5 }

 frPVCConnectEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  FrPVCConnectEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "An entry in the Frame Relay PVC Connect table.
             This entry is used to model a PVC segment in two
     INDEX { frPVCConnectIndex,
             frPVCConnectLowIfIndex, frPVCConnectLowDLCIIndex,
             frPVCConnectHighIfIndex, frPVCConnectHighDLCIIndex }
     ::= { frPVCConnectTable 1 }

 FrPVCConnectEntry ::=

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994


 frPVCConnectIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the
             frPVCConnectIndexValue obtained to uniquely
             identify this PVC segment connection."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 1 }

 frPVCConnectLowIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  IfIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
             ifIndex value of the UNI/NNI logical port for this
             PVC segment.  The term low implies that this PVC
             segment end-point has the numerically lower
             ifIndex value than the connected/associated PVC
             segment end-point.  If the value is equal to zero,
             then this logical port is not a Frame Relay
             UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 2 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the DLCI
             value for this end-point of the PVC segment.  If
             the value is equal to zero, then this endpoint of
             the PVC segment is not a Frame Relay connection."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 3 }

 frPVCConnectHighIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  IfIndex
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to MIB II's
             ifIndex value for the UNI/NNI logical port for

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             this PVC segment.  The term high implies that this
             PVC segment end-point has the numerically higher
             ifIndex value than the connected/associated PVC
             segment end-point."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 4 }

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the egress
             DLCI value for this end-point of the PVC segment."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 5 }

 frPVCConnectAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the desired
             administrative status of this bi-directional PVC
             segment.  The active state means the PVC segment
             is currently operational; the inactive state means
             the PVC segment is currently not operational; the
             testing state means the PVC segment is currently
             undergoing a test.  This state is set by an
             administrative entity.  This value affects the PVC
             status indicated across the ingress NNI/UNI of
             both end-points of the bi-directional PVC segment.
             When a PVC segment connection is created using
             this table, this object is initially set to
             `inactive'.  After the frPVCConnectRowStatus
             object is set to `active' (and the
             corresponding/associated entries in the
             frPVCEndptTable have their frPVCEndptRowStatus
             object set to `active'), the
             frPVCConnectAdminStatus object may be set to
             `active' to turn on the PVC segment connection."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 6 }

 frPVCConnectL2hOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the current
             operational status of the PVC segment connection
             in one direction; (i.e., in the low to high
             direction).  The active state means it is
             currently operational; the inactive state means it
             is currently not operational; the testing state
             means it is currently undergoing a test; the
             unknown state means the status of it currently can
             not be determined.  This value affects the PVC
             status indicated across the ingress NNI/UNI (low
             side) of the PVC segment."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 7 }

 frPVCConnectH2lOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object identifies the current
             operational status of the PVC segment connection
             in one direction; (i.e., in the high to low
             direction).  The active state means it is
             currently operational; the inactive state means it
             is currently not operational; the testing state
             means it is currently undergoing a test; the
             unknown state means the status of it currently can
             not be determined.  This value affects the PVC
             status indicated across the ingress NNI/UNI (high
             side) of the PVC segment."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 8 }

 frPVCConnectL2hLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current

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RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object at the
             time this PVC segment entered its current
             operational state in the low to high direction.
             If the current state was entered prior to the last
             re-initialization of the proxy-agent, then this
             object contains a zero value."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 9 }

 frPVCConnectH2lLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of MIB II's sysUpTime object at the
             time this PVC segment entered its current
             operational state in the high to low direction.
             If the current state was entered prior to the last
             re-initialization of the proxy-agent, then this
             object contains a zero value."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 10 }

 frPVCConnectRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS  current
             "The status of this entry in the
             frPVCConnectTable.  This variable is used to
             create new connections for the PVC end-points and
             to change existing connections of the PVC end-
             points.  This object must be initially set to
             `createAndWait'.  In this state, the agent checks
             the parameters in the associated entries in the
             frPVCEndptTable to verify that the PVC end-points
             can be connected (i.e., the In parameters for one
             PVC end-point are equal to the Out parameters for
             the other PVC end-point).  This object can not be
             set to `active' unless the following columnar
             objects exist in this row: frPVCConnectAdminStatus
             and frPVCConnectGenericPointer.  The agent also
             supplies the associated value of frPVCConnectIndex
             for the frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier instances.  To
             turn on a PVC segment connection, the
             frPVCConnectAdminStatus is set to `active'."
     ::= { frPVCConnectEntry 11 }

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 36]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

 -- The Frame Relay Accounting Groups

 -- The groups are the following:
 --  Accounting on a PVC basis
 --  Accounting on an Interface/Logical Port basis

 -- The Accounting on a Frame Relay PVC basis Group

 -- The accounting information is collected for a PVC
 -- segment end-point.

 frAccountPVCTable OBJECT-TYPE
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The Frame Relay Accounting PVC table.  This table
             is used to perform accounting on a PVC segment
             end-point basis."
     ::= { frnetservObjects 6 }

 frAccountPVCEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  FrAccountPVCEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "An entry in the Frame Relay Accounting PVC
     INDEX   { ifIndex, frAccountPVCDLCIIndex }
     ::= { frAccountPVCTable 1 }

 FrAccountPVCEntry ::=

     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 37]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

             "The value of this object is equal to the DLCI
             value for this PVC segment end-point."
     ::= { frAccountPVCEntry 1 }

 frAccountPVCSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the Segment
             Size for this PVC segment end-point."
     ::= { frAccountPVCEntry 2 }

 frAccountPVCInSegments OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the number
             of segments received by this PVC segment end-
     ::= { frAccountPVCEntry 3 }

  frAccountPVCOutSegments OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the number
             of segments sent by this PVC segment end-point."
     ::= { frAccountPVCEntry 4 }

 -- The Accounting on a Frame Relay Logical Port basis Group

 frAccountLportTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF FrAccountLportEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "The Frame Relay Accounting Logical Port table.
             This table is used to perform accounting on a
             UNI/NNI Logical Port basis."
     ::= { frnetservObjects 7 }

 frAccountLportEntry OBJECT-TYPE

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 38]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

     SYNTAX  FrAccountLportEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS  current
             "An entry in the Frame Relay Accounting Logical
             Port table."
     INDEX   { ifIndex }
     ::= { frAccountLportTable 1 }

 FrAccountLportEntry ::=

 frAccountLportSegmentSize OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Integer32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the Segment
             Size for this UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frAccountLportEntry 1 }

 frAccountLportInSegments OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the number
             of segments received by this UNI/NNI logical
     ::= { frAccountLportEntry 2 }

 frAccountLportOutSegments OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX  Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS  current
             "The value of this object is equal to the number
             of segments sent by this UNI/NNI logical port."
     ::= { frAccountLportEntry 3 }

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 39]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

 -- Frame Relay Network Service TRAPS

 frPVCConnectStatusChange  NOTIFICATION-TYPE
     OBJECTS { frPVCConnectIndex,
               frPVCConnectLowIfIndex, frPVCConnectLowDLCIIndex,
               frPVCConnectHighIfIndex, frPVCConnectHighDLCIIndex,
               frPVCConnectL2hOperStatus, frPVCConnectH2lOperStatus,
               frPVCEndptRcvdSigStatus }
     STATUS  current
             "This trap indicates that the indicated PVC has
             changed state.  This trap is not sent if an FR-UNI
             changes state; a linkDown or linkUp trap should be
             sent instead."
     ::= { frnetservTraps 1 }

 -- Conformance Information

 frnetservConformance  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservMIB 3 }

 frnetservGroups       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservConformance 1 }
 frnetservCompliances  OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { frnetservConformance 2 }

 -- Compliance Statements

 frnetservCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
       STATUS  current
         "The compliance statement for SNMPv2 entities
         which have Frame Relay Network Service Interfaces."

       MODULE -- this module
           MANDATORY-GROUPS { frnetservLportGroup,
                              frnetservPVCConnectGroup }

           GROUP       frnetservAccountPVCGroup
                 "This group is optional for Frame Relay interfaces.
                 It is
                 mandatory if and only if accounting is performed
                 on a PVC
                 basis this
                 Frame Relay interface."

           GROUP       frnetservAccountLportGroup

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 40]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

                 "This group is optional for Frame Relay interfaces.
                 It is
                 mandatory if and only if accounting is
                 performed on a
                 logical port basis this
                 Frame Relay interface."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptInBc
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptInBe
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptInCIR
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptOutBc
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptOutBe
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 41]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptOutCIR
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier
           SYNTAX      Integer32
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCEndptRowStatus
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1) }  -- subset of RowStatus
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required, and only one of the
                 six enumerated values for the RowStatus textual
                 convention need be supported, specifically:

           OBJECT      frPVCConnectAdminStatus
           SYNTAX      INTEGER {
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCConnectGenericPointer
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required."

           OBJECT      frPVCConnectRowStatus
           SYNTAX      INTEGER { active(1) }  -- subset of RowStatus
           MIN-ACCESS  read-only
                 "Write access is not required, and only one of the
                 six enumerated values for the RowStatus textual
                 convention need be supported, specifically:
       ::= { frnetservCompliances 1 }

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 42]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

 -- Units of Conformance

 frnetservLportGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { frLportNumPlan, frLportContact, frLportLocation,
                 frLportAddrDLCILen, frLportVCSigProtocol,
                 frLportVCSigPointer }
       STATUS  current
             "A collection of objects providing information applicable
             to a Frame Relay Logical Port."
       ::= { frnetservGroups 1 }

 frnetservMgtVCSigGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { frMgtVCSigProced,
                 frMgtVCSigNetChanInactive }
       STATUS  current
             "A collection of objects providing information
             applicable to the
             Local In-Channel Signaling Procedures used for a
             UNI/NNI logical port."
       ::= { frnetservGroups 2 }

 frnetservPVCEndptGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { frPVCConnectIndexValue,
                 frPVCEndptInMaxFrameSize, frPVCEndptInBc,
                 frPVCEndptInBe, frPVCEndptInCIR,
                 frPVCEndptOutMaxFrameSize, frPVCEndptOutBc,
                 frPVCEndptOutBe, frPVCEndptOutCIR,
                 frPVCEndptConnectIdentifier, frPVCEndptRowStatus,
                 frPVCEndptRcvdSigStatus, frPVCEndptInFrames,
                 frPVCEndptOutFrames, frPVCEndptInDEFrames,
                 frPVCEndptInExcessFrames, frPVCEndptOutExcessFrames,

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 43]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

                 frPVCEndptInOctets, frPVCEndptOutOctets }
       STATUS  current
             "A collection of objects providing information application
             to a Frame Relay PVC end-point."
       ::= { frnetservGroups 3 }

 frnetservPVCConnectGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { frPVCConnectAdminStatus, frPVCConnectL2hOperStatus,
                 frPVCConnectH2lOperStatus, frPVCConnectL2hLastChange,
                 frPVCConnectGenericPointer, frPVCConnectRowStatus }
       STATUS  current
             "A collection of objects providing information applicable
             to a Frame Relay PVC connection."
       ::= { frnetservGroups 4 }

 frnetservAccountPVCGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { frAccountPVCSegmentSize, frAccountPVCInSegments,
                 frAccountPVCOutSegments }
       STATUS  current
             "A collection of objects providing accounting
             information application
             to a Frame Relay PVC end-point."
       ::= { frnetservGroups 5 }

 frnetservAccountLportGroup  OBJECT-GROUP
       OBJECTS { frAccountLportSegmentSize, frAccountLportInSegments,
                 frAccountLportOutSegments }
       STATUS  current
             "A collection of objects providing accounting
             information application
             to a Frame Relay logical port."
       ::= { frnetservGroups 6 }


Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 44]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

7.  Acknowledgments

   This document was produced jointly by the Frame Relay Forum Technical
   Committee MIB Working Group and the Frame Relay Service MIB Working

8.  References

   [1] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Structure
       of Management Information for version 2 of the Simple Network
       Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1442, SNMP Research, Inc.,
       Hughes LAN Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
       University, April 1993.

   [2] Galvin, J., and K. McCloghrie, "Administrative Model for version
       2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1445,
       Trusted Information Systems, Hughes LAN Systems, April 1993.

   [3] Case, J., McCloghrie, K., Rose, M., and S. Waldbusser, "Protocol
       Operations for version 2 of the Simple Network Management
       Protocol (SNMPv2)", RFC 1448, SNMP Research, Inc., Hughes LAN
       Systems, Dover Beach Consulting, Inc., Carnegie Mellon
       University, April 1993.

   [4] McCloghrie, K., and M. Rose, "Management Information Base for
       Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets - MIB-II", STD 17,
       RFC 1213, Hughes LAN Systems, Performance Systems International,
       March 1991.

   [5] McCloghrie, K.,  and F. Kastenholz, "Evolution of Interfaces
       Group of MIB-II", RFC 1573, Hughes LAN Systems, FTP Software,
       January 1994.

   [6] Rodemann, K., "Service Management Architecture for Virtual
       Connection Services", Work in Progress, July 1993.

   [7] ANSI T1.617-1991, American National Standard for
       Telecommunications - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) -
       Digital Subscriber Signaling System No. 1 (DSS1) - Signaling
       Specification for Frame Relay Bearer Service.

   [8] Brown, C., Baker, F., and C. Carvalho, "Management Information
       Base for Frame Relay DTEs", RFC 1315, Wellfleet Communications,
       Inc., Advanced Computer Communications, April 1992.

   [9] Bradley, T., Brown, C., and A. Malis, "Multi-Protocol
       Interconnect over Frame Relay", RFC 1490, Wellfleet
       Communications, Inc., Ascom Timeplex, Inc., July 1993.

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 45]

RFC 1596                Frame Relay Service MIB               March 1994

9.  Security Considerations

   Security issues are not discussed in this memo.

10.  Author's Address

   Tracy A. Brown
   Bell Communications Research
   331 Newman Springs Road
   P.O. Box 7020
   Red Bank, NJ  07701-7020

   Phone: (908) 758-2107
   EMail: tacox@mail.bellcore.com

Frame Relay Service MIB Working Group                          [Page 46]


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